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Born and raised on Chicago's gritty southwest side, Lisa Chandler Scott began her writing career at the tender age of nine. As an adolescent victim of abuse, she turned to pen and paper, a desperate diversion from life's harsh realities. Keeping her family's sordid secrets from inquiring minds was not an easy task, but a necessity no child should have to endure.


Blossoming into an attractive, albeit insecure teenager, Lisa was often encouraged to enter various modelling contests. From failure to runner up, to first place winner, her self esteem began to climb, as she floated on her dreams.


Inspiring individuals to overcome personal obstacles and achieve their goals, Lisa Chandler Scott proves she is not only a survivor who has turned tragedy into triumph, but has emerged into a rising author, as well as a captivating speaker. Bye Bye Secrets reminds readers that with determination, balanced by absolution, the dreams of a vulnerable little girl can become the reality of a self-assured successful woman.


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